Water, earth, air and fire.

These are nature's elements we cannot live without. But now our oceans are contaminated
with oil and waste, forests are burning up in wildfires, and our atmosphere is polluted
with chemicals. Rising of global temperatures, extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas and melting glaciers...

Instead of being invaders of nature, could we be her protector?​​​​​​​
w a t e r

Water purifies, heals, and transforms.
Water is the most powerful element for it can move around any obstacle in its path
without losing its essential nature.

But now...

Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the world,
causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others.
Much of the plastic that doesn’t make it to the recycling plant ends up in our rivers and ocean.
Not only is this a danger to the animals and plants, coral reefs that are becoming inhabitable,
but it also poses a threat to the climate, as plastic releases greenhouse gases as it slowly breaks down.

e a r t h

Earth is the element of stability and fertility.
It is an element of beginnings and endings. 

Death and rebirth.

But now...

Entire populations are already suffering the impacts of climate change,
by 2050, there will be an estimated 1.2 billion people displaced around the world due to climate change
and related disasters.

e a r t h - r e v e r s e d
And unto dust we shall return...

a i r

Air is everywhere. It has the ability to cross boundaries, and it is what we all share.
Our breath, the most necessary, but invisible function of the human body.

But now...

Air pollution not only contributes to climate change but is also exacerbated by it.
When fossil fuels are burned for electricity, heat, and transportation, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps solar radiation, is released into our atmosphere, causing the temperature on our planet to rise, fueling climate disasters and extreme weather.

f i r e

Fire is highly purifying and protective, consuming impurities and driving back the darkness.
A symbol of energy, strength and passion.

But now...

Changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions and drought, which contributes to a longer fire season and increasing wildfire risks.
Although human activities are mainly responsible for starting the fires, hotter weather makes forests drier and more susceptible to burning, drying out soil make vegetation more flammable.

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